Monday, April 8, 2013

Fishtailing Frenzy! Learn the IN's and OUT's to the Perfect Braid!

Fishtailing Away...

1. Put your hair in a low ponytail. Makes the process a lot easier, by keeping the braid in place (especially if you have layers or angles).

2. Split your ponytail in two. Make two separate braids.

3. Cross a small section from the left to the right. Take a small piece of hair from the left side of the ponytail and put it into the right side of the ponytail.

4. Repeat on the right. Take a small piece of hair from the right side of the ponytail and put it into the left side of the ponytail.

5. Repeat this process all the way down the ponytails. Each time, cross a small piece of hair from ponytail to the other side. As you move down the ponytail they cross over, forming the fishtail braid. (Inter-loop, the two braids together as if you were French braiding).

6. Tie the end and stretch it out. Secure the end of your fishtail braid and gently pull at the sides of the braid to stretch it out. This will make your hair look thicker and fuller, emphasizing the shape of the braid.

Add a Twist & Finish it with a Bun...

1. Follow Fishtail steps 1 thru 6.

2. Twist the braid into a bun. Wind your braid up and around to form the bun.

3. Pin in place and you're done! For a tighter hold, try to stick bobby pins through the hair elastic!

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